Pupil Information
Getting to know Serenity School or settling in, here are some bits of advice to help you on your way.
Frequently asked questions from other pupils;
Our School
We aim to have a school that is not like or similar to other schools that you may have attended. The reason is that they did not work for some reason. Your background, educational history and various behaviours will be taken into account however we will work with you to manage better at school. Our school is very much like a family and has a nurturing approach. We only have small school population and therefore only 6 to 8 pupils in each lesson support by a few adults helping support your learning. There are lots of opportunities for you to learn at school and also at other provisions locally. Therefore you will effectively choose your own curriculum and have greater control of what you learn and how you learn.
The School Day
Starts at 08.30 and finishes by 2.00pm.
School Uniform
Our school uniform consists of the following items:
- Black jumper
- Blue Polo shirt
- Black trousers
- Black footwear
We provide the jumper and polo shirts you simply get the trousers and choice of black footwear. All PE clothing will be provided.
Travelling to school
The majority of pupils who have an EHCP and live within a specified distance from school will get a taxi to and from school. Those that do not qualify we can support you with travel arrangements so that you attend daily and on time.
Food & Hydration
- It is important that pupils are ready for lessons and learning therefore all pupils will receive free breakfast, break time snack and lunch each day. Menus are on display around school.
- Pupils may take their own bottle of water to school; however this will be checked upon arrival at the gates each morning as part of screening and searching policy. There is also water available throughout the day.
- No other drink except for water is permitted on school premises.
Lesson information
- Lessons are 45 minutes long.
- Some vocational subjects are timetabled for double lessons so that practical sessions can be completed.
- In each lesson you are expected to complete one full learning cycle of what is being taught.
Engage – Share – Practice – Perform
In each lesson you will have a teacher and one or two additional support staff called progress partners. You may also have your own PP with you.
How will you be looked after during the day so that we support your SEN?
- Teachers will plan specifically for you so that you understand the work and can complete it on time.
- If you need specific resources to help you these will be provided.
- If you have medical needs that require medicines a member of staff will come get you to support you taking it and on time. If a doctor has prescribed you a medicine you must take it to come to school, this will help you throughout the day.
- We use a range of plans to support you managing your behaviour and emotions.
- We also have the Can Do Room should you need it, or you are required to attend for some period as agreed by the Inclusion team.
- We have teams of staff who specifically help students with a range of issues such as reading and writing, anger management, anxiety, self-esteem to name but a few.
How we support you to make progress in your lessons?
Each half term you will get a list of ‘I Can Statements’ for each subject. These are your own and probably different to everyone else in your lesson. They are in your folder or exercise book and your teacher will discuss them with you weekly. Each week you will be taught about the subject and your job is to prove to yourself and your teacher that you can perform/understand the skill/statement. When you can demonstrate this your teacher will agree this with you and that statement becomes green in colour. This means you have mastered this part of the course.
Red means you cannot yet do something.
Amber means you are almost there and with some practice you will master it.
Green means you know it well or can do it yourself with no extra help.
Every so often your teacher will design starters or tasks in the lesson to help move you along from red to green and therefore you are making progress.
If you are still struggling in class then we will arrange extra 1-1 support for you on your timetable.
What if you are falling behind or you are struggling to understand some work?
Teachers will pick up on this very quickly and discuss this with you. Be honest about how you are feeling and try to work out a plan to catch up. As mentioned above if you are still struggling after classroom support is not working we will arrange 1-1 support for you with the aim of returning to the lesson very soon thereafter.
How do we ensure bullying is not an issue at our school?
We have a Charter at School that ensures bullying has no place. See it, hear it, report it!
A Bullying ladder is in place that ensure that after three strikes on each step with the following consequences apply;
Stage 1: Letter home and formal warning
Stage 2: Letter home, parent meeting, police notified and IBP issued
Stage 3: Parent meeting and police notified and order issued
Stage 4: LA asked to find alternative school placement.
Support at School should you be worried about something;
- The Safeguarding Officer is Susan Murphy who you should discuss anything of concern at school or at home.
- Each class/ year group has a tutor and you will have tutor time each day to help with anything bothering you.
- If you feel you are not getting the correct support or we do not understand you properly speak with the SENDCO Alison Sole.
- When you start at School we will buddy you up with another pupil just so you get to know the school quickly.
- If you do not feel like talking with an adult at school speak with a student leader or put a note at reception.