We strive for excellence from enrolment to graduation                A holistic approach to education and childhood development                Inclusion, Independence and Self-Worth                We look after ourselves                We look after each other                We look after our learning                We look after our school, community, and world                We look after our future                We care, value and challenge everyone

Welcome from the Headteacher

I feel extremely proud and privileged to be the Headteacher of Serenity School Eltham. Our school community’s diverse cultures, languages and experiences make it an exciting place to be, where children, parents and staff respect each other’s differences and celebrate our commonalities. We are a 5-18 non-selective day school for boys and girls who have a wide range of SEND needs. Serenity has a culture which fosters a love of learning and intellectual curiosity within a strong and supportive community.
All staff have a shared vision and commitment to ensuring children at our school receive exciting learning opportunities, the knowledge, and skills to adapt to the fast-changing world we live in. We want our children to be confident, respectful, resilient, and inquisitive individuals. I am passionate and committed to our school’s core values and our pupils and staff are encouraged to live these values in all aspects of school life.
  • We take care of ourselves.
  • We take care of each other.
  • We take care of our learning.
  • We take care of our school, community, and the world.
  • We take care of our future.
We provide a well-planned and engaging curriculum by focusing on a student-centred approach where individual bespoke needs are matched with a rich and varied curriculum. The curriculum is highly personalised to suit pupils’ individual and wide-ranging needs. This not only means ensuring that pupils achieve academically, albeit very important, but it also means ensuring that all our pupils make progress socially and emotionally. We ensure pupils can understand their emotions and communicate their feelings. Importantly, pupils are supported to become well-rounded citizens that are ready to take their place in the world. We equip students with the tools to develop their individual character, in an environment which promotes dignity, integrity, self-discipline and self-esteem.

At the heart of our work at Serenity school lies the uncompromising belief that all children, regardless of their experiences and backgrounds, have the right to reach their full potential, instilling confidence in children to understand that barriers don’t have to limit their lives.
As parents and carers, you have a vital role in the education of your children; we actively encourage close co-operation between home and school. I know you have high aspirations for your child’s educational achievements and look forward to developing a successful partnership that will support you in achieving this and help in making your child’s time at Serenity school both happy and successful. We value your views and welcome any ideas you may have in helping us to further improve our school. Prospective parents and pupils are welcome to visit our school. Please contact the school office if you wish to arrange a visit.

I am delighted to be the Headteacher of Serenity School Eltham and look forward to what we will achieve together.

Claire Pettman



We specialise in academic and therapeutic methods to motivate SEND students who struggle to engage with mainstream school. We also excel in re-engaging students who for some reason have become a school non-attender, or home tuition.


All you need to know about our policies – from first aid, safeguarding to accessibility. A useful area for parents/guardians to keep informed with procedures.

Through experiences gained we recognise that the well-being and academic achievement of the majority of young people is significantly accelerated by addressing the root causes of behavioural, emotional, social difficulties, and without this some young people simply cannot access education. Inclusion has many forms but one principle, the right of a person to have the same opportunities and respect as anyone else.

We find pleasure through succeeding in our learning: building skills, knowledge and understanding. We actively promote our belief that each child and adult feel valued for their own personal worth and contribution.


The values, worth and skills to thrive in our mainstream world


Through the power of learning, our pupils will engage in our world with advancing confidence at an individual level.


With high expectations and through dynamic learning opportunities, we seek to provide an outstanding, personalised provision in which each child is enabled to shine.


We create an environment in which pupils, their families and our staff are happy, safe and engaged in exploring our world.

This is a CONFIDENTIAL way to stop YOU or a FRIEND or SOMEONE you have seen SUFFERING..


Our curriculum is individualised, creative, innovative and flexible allowing for the needs of each pupil to be met. It aims to promote the social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of the pupils as well as their intellectual and physical development.

Pupil Information

Getting to know Serenity School or settling in, here are some bits of advice to help you on your way.

We aim to have a school that is not like or similar to other schools that you may have attended.


More Information – How we safeguard our children

Welcome to Serenity School’s safeguarding page. If you do not find the information you require, please contact the school:

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