Personal Development

PSHE is a timetabled session every week with each week/term having a different focus. (See SOL)

An annual SMSC plan of significant dates in the religious and cultural calendar ensures that there is a focus, through assemblies and PSHE lessons on important cultural and religious festivals and commemorative days.

The development of social and communication skills is also a key part of the PSHE/SMSC curriculum that reflects our Core British Values Charter.

Religious Education and Collective Worship

Religious Education themes and topics are covered via Creative Curriculum Lessons as well as through assemblies and PSHE.

Children of any faith and those of no faith are encouraged to value everyone and their beliefs equally. Shared assembly times focus on celebration and the worth-ship of all of those within the school community and aim:

  • To show interest in and concern for members of the school community
  • To celebrate special occasions together
  • To show concern for the daily happenings in school life, the local community and wider world
  • To share appreciation of worthwhile activities undertaken by groups within the school
  • To reflect upon dimensions of human life, the wonderful, beautiful, joyful, heroic, humorous, tragic, ugly, sorrowful, solemn…

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education and/or Collective Worship.

Sex and Relationships Education

Sex and Relationships Education is taught in PSHE lessons at a level appropriate to the level of understanding of the young people.

We liaise closely with partner organisations and the Learning Disability Nursing Team for specialist individual input and support.

Parents may request that their child is excused from Sex Education.


We provide a full and thorough curriculum for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education.

The impact of this is a school that is inclusive and aware of others needs and feelings. Pupils are open to new ideas and other cultures. We endeavour to create a school environment where spiritual, moral, social and cultural themes are part of all we do.

Whole-School Personal Action Plan at Serenity School

Mental health and wellbeing of staff is paramount


Establish a Personal support system for all students and staff

Who will lead?

School counselor and range of therapies making impact positively

Success criteria

Attendance at 90>%

Pupils making expected progress – EHCP Targets

Reduction in staff absences

Monitoring and evaluation




All staff are able to offer personal support, where necessary


Senior teacher responsible for personal

care offers support and advice to staff

Organise CPD to support this

Who will lead?

Senior teacher

School counsellor

Success criteria

All pupils know that staff are able to support them when necessary

Monitoring and evaluation

Senior teacher



All relevant policies have a section on personal care


When reviewing policies, ensure that, where appropriate, Personal care is included

Who will lead?

All staff that write and review policies

Success criteria

Policies are updated

Monitoring and evaluation

Senior teacher


The end of the policy review cycle

Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) is embedded in the curriculum


Hold continuing professional development (CPD) sessions on PSHE across all subjects


Who will lead?

CPD co-ordinator


Success criteria

All staff are confident teaching PSHE as part of their subject


Monitoring and evaluation

Senior teacher



End of summer term

The positive school ethos is promoted by everyone


Regularly share the school ethos with staff, pupils and parents

Use displays around the school to celebrate our mission statement

When inducting new staff and pupils, include information about the school’s ethos



All staff


Success criteria

The whole school community is aware of the school’s ethos


Monitoring and evaluation

Senior teacher




Every pupil is welcomed into our school


Use a buddy system to ensure that all new pupils have a ‘friend’ to help them settle into school


Who will lead?

Class teachers

Form tutors


Success criteria

Every pupil settles into school as quickly as possible


Monitoring and evaluation

Phase leaders

Heads of year



Established in June each year in preparation for September intake

The governing body is informed of personal care in the school


Nominate a governor to be responsible for oversight of personal care

Who will lead?

Chair of governors


Success criteria

Nominated governor and Senior teacher meet termly to celebrate successes, and raise issues and concerns

Monitoring and evaluation




A member of the senior leadership team (SLT) co-ordinates personal care across the school


Identify a Senior teacher to become responsible for personal care

Who will lead?

Senior teacher

Success criteria

Senior teacher co-ordinates personal care

Monitoring and evaluation



End of summer term

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