Makaton Mondays / Sign of the Week Investor in Me Document Investor in Me Summary Current Years Numbers Previous Year Numbers & Photos Investor in Me Award Sign of the week Week Commencing 2/9/2024 Week Commencing 9/9/2024 Week Commencing 16/9/2024 Home Makaton Mondays / Sign of the Week FormsHomework Section Investor In Me ProgrammeMakaton Mondays / Sign of the WeekNewsletters / Latest NewsTerm DatesLA Local OffersSEN Support / InformationSafeguarding SupportContact Information Week Commencing 23/9/2024 Week Commencing 30/9/2024 Angry Week Commencing 14/10/2024 Worried Week Commencing 4/11/2024 Frightened Week Commencing 11/11/2024 Week Commencing 18/11/2024 Remember Week Commencing 25/11/2024 Week Commencing 25/11/2024 Week Commencing 2/12/2024 Week Commencing 9/12/2024 Reindeer Week Commencing 16/12/2024 Father Christmas